


International Women's Day: 国际妇女节
March 8th: 三月八日
Women's Day: 口语中,就说“女人节”
Not widely celebrated in America: 在美国并不是广泛庆祝
Chauvinism: 沙文主义、大男子主义
Chauvinist: 沙文主义者
Chauvinistic: 沙文主义的、大男子主义的

Women's marches all across America not long ago:  全美国前阵子有大规模女性游行
Also in many other parts of the world: 全球好多其它地方也有


1) The month of March: 3月
2) To march for a cause: 游行,为了一个主张

Fight for women's status in society: 为了争取女性社会地位
Gender equality: 性别平等
Many jobs are still not equal work, equal pay: 很多工作并不同工同酬
One reason is women are not as aggressive in negotiating pay packages: 其中一个原因是女性在薪资谈判中没男性那么强势
Women are labeled as "bossy" for being aggressive and assertive: 很多女性据理力争,却被贴上霸道的标签


The glass ceiling: 玻璃天花板
Break the glass ceiling: 打破玻璃天花板
Invisible barrier: 看不见的屏障
Women are still under-represented in top management and government positions: 女性在企业高管、政府高层的数量还是很少


Gender equality: 性别平等
Sexual discrimination: 性别歧视
To be discriminated against: 被歧视
Reproductive rights are another big cause American women are fighting for: 生殖权是美国女性的另一大主张
Many women are fighting for control over their own bodies: 很多女性在捍卫对自己身体的控制权


A new wave of feminism: 女权主义的新浪潮

  • Feminism:女权主义
  • Feminist:女权主义者

The rise of feminism in the 60's and the rise of feminism now: 60年代美国女权主义兴起,现在又重掀热潮


Feminist slogan T-shirts are the newest fashion trend: 女权口号T-恤现在很流行
#1. "The future is female."
"The future is female": 未来属于女性
A slogan in the 60's, making a comeback this year: 这是60年代女权主义的口号,今年又重新流行
#2. "We should all be feminists." 

"We should all be feminists": 我们都该成为女权主义者
Christian Dior's slogan T-shirt: 迪奥的T-恤

#3. "My girlfriend is a feminist. 

So am I. "

"My girlfriend is a feminist. So am I.": 我的女朋友是女权主义者,我也是。
Many men are participants in the current feminist movement: 很多男性也加入了女权运动行列中



“Women hold up half the sky”:  女性撑起半边天

最后分享一句美国女权主义先锋Gloria Steinem的名言

"A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men":   真正的女权主义者深刻懂得全人类的平等,不论女性和男性

Being pro-women is not being anti-man: 支持女性并不是反对男性 


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