many和a lot, 英语量词你会用吗?


除了many, a few, a lot, 英语里还有好多课本里学不到,但口语里很常用的量词

比如前些天,一位用户问的“a dozen", 还有"a ton", "a bunch"......



measure word: 量词

Chinese meansure words are very specific, i.e. many can be only used to describe a certain type of thing: 中文的量词比较特定,不同的量词对应不同的东西

Measure words in English aren't as specific as Chinese: 英语的量词没有中文那么特定

But because they're more general, using them appropriately might be challenging: 但是因为比较宽泛,所以要恰当使用也不那么容易


美国人最爱用的量词:a dozen

A dozen: 一打

dozen means 12:一打表示12个

Eggs are most commonly bought by the dozen: 最常用来形容鸡蛋

  • A dozen eggs: 一盒鸡蛋

We wouldn't call it a box of eggs: 英语里不会说一盒蛋,而是说一打鸡蛋
You can also buy half a dozen eggs: 也可以买小盒的,半打

Half a dozen or a half dozen?

Both are correct: 两种说法都是正确的

Dozens can also be used in the plural form: 打还可以变成复数

  • Dozens of people: 好多人(几十个)

  • Dozens of options: 许多的选择


Since English doesn't really have a word for "tens", dozens is used to express the idea:由于英语没有一个词表明“几十”,所以dozens用来形容几十这个数量

"Dozens" is the next step down from hundreds: “dozens”代表几十个,再上去就是几百个

最浪漫的量词:a couple  

现在常说的“CP", 就是couple. 不过美国人可不会说“CP", 这是有亚洲特色的英语。

A couple

A couple: 两个,也是一对恋人、爱人的意思

A couple到底是几个?

Strictly speaking, "a couple" means 2: 严格来说,a couple是两个

  • A couple of pens: 两支笔

  • A couple of cups: 两个杯子

But in everyday conversations, it could also mean several, a few: 但是日常口语里,它也能指几个、多个

  • Let's get a couple of tomatoes: 我们买几个番茄

  • Let's get a couple of apples: 我们买几个苹果

It really depends on the context: 具体的数量,还是要通过语境分析

A few

This is a word everyone learns early on: 这个词大家应该是最早学到的


A few___ 不是 a few of ___

Most measure words are followed by "of" but "few" is an exception: 量词通常都用“of”链接后面的名词,但“a few”是个例外(few同理)

  • "a few pens", not "a few of pens": 是 few pens,而不是a few of pens


  • The only time you use "a few of" is when you're not being specific: 当 a few后面跟的不是具体事物时,要加of。比如:

  • a few of these

  • a few of those

  • a few of us

做菜必备量词: a pinch, a handful

Measure words used in cooking/recipes 做菜、菜谱常用的量词

  • A pinch: 一小撮

Add a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper: 加一小撮盐、一小撮胡椒

  • A handful: 一把

A handful of nuts: 一把坚果

More measure words for cooking 更多做菜时常用的量词

  • A spoonful: 一勺

  • A table spoon of: 一汤匙

  • A tea spoon of: 一茶匙


A ton of: 美国人最爱用

Americans love using the word "a ton": 美国人非常爱用“a ton"这个词

An actual ton is 1000kg: 这个词确切的重量是一吨、1000公斤

Canadians spell the word as "tonne": 加拿大人的拼法是tonne

In spoken English, a ton means "a lot": 口语里,a ton的意思是很多、大量的

  • A ton of homework": 很多作业

  • A ton of work: 很多工作


Ton in the plural form: ton也能当复数

Most common use of "tons": tons最常见的用法

  • We had tons of fun at the party: 派对真好玩儿

  • There are tons of people in Shanghai Disney: 上海迪士尼人爆多

*Instead of saying "people mountain people sea", you should say "tons of people": 以后别再说“people mountain people sea"这个错误的老梗了,大家跟我说tons of people"

Versatile measure words 百搭量词

A bunch: 一捆、一堆、一群

  • A bunch of flowers: 一束花

  • A bunch of carrots: 一捆胡萝卜

  • bunch of people: 一群人(几个到十几个的范围,没有几十个那么多)

  • A bunch of money: 一些钱 (不是太多、也不是太少)

A pile:一堆

  • A pile of work: 一堆工作,通常形容堆积了很多

* You can't use pile to describe people: 不能说”a pile of people"


There are really specific measure words for animals: 英语里形容动物的量词是最特定的

  • school of fish: 一群鱼

  • A flock of birds: 一群鸟

  • A pride of lions: 一群狮子



Food also has very specific measure words: 食物也有特定对应的量词

  • piece or slice of toast: 一片面包

  • loaf of bread: 一条面包 ,切片面包组成的一长条

  • A baguette, not a loaf of baguette: 不过法棍是个例外,直接说a baguette, 不是a loaf of baguette

  • A cup of coffee: 一杯咖啡

  • A bowl of oatmeal: 一碗麦片

  • A box of cereal: 一盒早餐谷物

注意发音: of 变成 /æ/

With these measure words, the "of" sounds more like "æ": 口语里说这些量词,of会变成a的音

  • "a box of cereal" > "a box a cereal"

  • "a pack of cigarettes" > "a pack of cigarettes"

  • A lot of > lotta

  • A whole lot of > whole lotta

送给大家 whole lotta love!


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